IE iframe cookie session丢失问题【转】 07月04日
但发现很多用户不能登陆,但有的用户也能登陆(现在才清楚能上的都是firefox)。查了好久,后来发现原来是IE有个叫P3P(The Platform for Privacy Preferences)隐私参数选择平台,这样的一个超强的功能.
在frameset里面,也就是里面的frame是来自第三方站点(不同IP或不同域名),那么默认情况下IE会自动禁用这些站点的cookie,也就是在请求某url时在HTTP header里不发送它们的cookie,包括session的cookie。注意,这些站点在response里面设置的cookie还是会被发送到浏览器的。
但象IE 6.0和IE 7.0有个自己的标准.要支持P3P,IE 6的缺省隐私等级设置为”中”——即”阻止没有合同隐私策略的第三方cookie”。而在用户浏览a.php时 A.com写入的为第一方Cookie,其嵌入的iframe指向b.php.这时B.com写入的就为第三方Cookie了,所以它是被IE当在了大门外。
好了,不多讲了,直接讲解决方案. (更多…)
PHP5.4改变的新特性(未完待续) 07月04日
20 Jun 2011, PHP 5.4.0 Alpha 1
- autoconf 2.59+ is now supported (and required) for generating the
configure script with ./buildconf. Autoconf 2.60+ is desirable
otherwise the configure help order may be incorrect. (Rasmus, Chris Jones)
. break/continue $var syntax. (Dmitry)
. Safe mode and all related ini options. (Kalle) //删除安全模式相关的所有函数和配置
. register_globals and register_long_arrays ini options. (Kalle) //删除这两个函数配置文件中的内容
. import_request_variables(). (Kalle) //
. allow_call_time_pass_reference. (Pierrick)
. define_syslog_variables ini option and its associated function. (Kalle)
. ini option. (Kalle)
. Session bug compatibility mode (session.bug_compat42 and
session.bug_compat_warn ini options). (Kalle)
. session_is_registered(), session_register() and session_unregister()
functions. (Kalle)
. y2k_compliance ini option. (Kalle)
- Moved extensions to PECL: (Johannes) //sqlite 被移动到PECL中
. ext/sqlite. (更多…)
Facebook创新之BigPipe:优化页面加载时间【转】 07月01日
近日,Facebook的研究科学家Changhao Jiang介绍了一个名为BigPipe的技术,这项技术可使Facebook站点的访问速度提升一倍。BigPipe是Facebook的创新研究之一,同时也是Facebook的“秘密武器”,它能够极大提升站点的性能:在大多数浏览器中,BigPipe都能将用户感受到的延迟时间降低一半,除了Firefox 3.6,BigPipe可以将Firefox 3.6的延迟时间降低50ms左右,大约降低了22%左右。
相比于10年前,现代Web站点的动态性与交互性都迈上了一个新台阶,传统的页面处理模型已经无法满足当今Internet速度上的需求了。 (更多…)
Thrift vs. Protocol Buffers 06月23日
Google recently released its Protocol Buffers as open source. About a year ago, Facebook released a similar product called Thrift. I’ve been comparing them; here’s what I’ve found:
Thrift | Protocol Buffers | |
Backers | Facebook, Apache (accepted for incubation) | |
Bindings | C++, Java, Python, PHP, XSD, Ruby, C#, Perl, Objective C, Erlang, Smalltalk, OCaml, and Haskell | C++, Java, Python (Perl, Ruby, and C# under discussion) |
Output Formats | Binary, JSON | Binary |
Primitive Types | bool byte 16/32/64-bit integersdouble string byte sequence map<t1,t2> list<t> set<t> |
bool32/64-bit integers float double string byte sequence “repeated” properties act like lists |
Enumerations | Yes | Yes |
Constants | Yes | No |
Composite Type | struct | message |
Exception Type | Yes | No |
Documentation | So-so | Good |
License | Apache | BSD-style |
Compiler Language | C++ | C++ |
RPC Interfaces | Yes | Yes |
RPC Implementation | Yes | No |
Composite Type Extensions | No | Yes |
Overall, I think Thrift wins on features and Protocol Buffers win on documentation. Implementation-wise, they’re quite similar. Both use integer tags to identify fields, so you can add and remove fields without breaking existing code. Protocol Buffers support variable-width encoding of integers, which saves a few bytes. (Thrift has an experimental output format with variable-width ints.)
The major difference is that Thrift provides a full client/server RPC implementation, whereas Protocol Buffers only generate stubs to use in your own RPC system.
Update July 12, 2008: I haven’t tested for speed, but from a cursory examination it seems that, at the binary level, Thrift and Protocol Buffers are very similar. I think Thrift will develop a more coherent community now that it’s under Apache incubation. It just moved to a new web site and mailing list, and the issue trackeris active.
Kyoto Cabinet 基本规格书【转】 06月20日
如果你知道 Tokyo Cabinet ,那么就应该知道 Kyoto Cabinet,因为他们都是同一个作者(平林幹雄)开发出来的 Key-Value 数据库。
Kyoto Cabinet:a straightforward implementation of DBM,主页: ,演示文稿: 。
Tokyo Cabinet:a modern implementation of DBM,主页:
以下Tokyo Cabinet简称为TC, Kyoto Cabinet简称为KC,本文主要对KC做介绍。
以下内容的英文原文来自: (更多…)
浅谈Facebook的服务器架构(组图)【转】 06月13日

导读:毫无疑问,作为全球最领先的社交网络,Facebook的高性能集群系统承担了海量数据的处理,它的服务器架构 [...]
- 分类:互联网技术
- 标签: facebook, facebook服务器
- 评论:3 条
- 浏览:3999
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利用Curl、socket、file_get_contents POST数据 05月16日
/** * Socket版本 * 使用方法: * $post_string = "app=socket&version=beta"; * request_by_socket('','/restServer.php',$post_string); */ function request_by_socket($remote_server,$remote_path,$post_string,$port = 80,$timeout = 30){ $socket = fsockopen($remote_server,$port,$errno,$errstr,$timeout); if (!$socket) die("$errstr($errno)"); fwrite($socket,"POST $remote_path HTTP/1.0"); fwrite($socket,"User-Agent: Socket Example"); fwrite($socket,"HOST: $remote_server"); fwrite($socket,"Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); fwrite($socket,"Content-length: ".strlen($post_string)+8.""); fwrite($socket,"Accept:*/*"); fwrite($socket,""); fwrite($socket,"mypost=$post_string"); fwrite($socket,""); $header = ""; while ($str = trim(fgets($socket,4096))) { $header.=$str; } $data = ""; while (!feof($socket)) { $data .= fgets($socket,4096); } return $data; }
/** * Curl版本 * 使用方法: * $post_string = "app=request&version=beta"; * request_by_curl('',$post_string); */ function request_by_curl($remote_server,$post_string){ $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_URL,$remote_server); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,'mypost='.$post_string); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,true); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_USERAGENT,"Jimmy's CURL Example beta"); $data = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); return $data; } ?>
/** * 其它版本 * 使用方法: * $post_string = "app=request&version=beta"; * request_by_other('',$post_string); */ function request_by_other($remote_server,$post_string){ $context = array( 'http'=>array( 'method'=>'POST', 'header'=>'Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded'."". 'User-Agent : Jimmy's POST Example beta'."". 'Content-length: '.strlen($post_string)+8, 'content'=>'mypost='.$post_string) ); $stream_context = stream_context_create($context); $data = file_get_contents($remote_server,FALSE,$stream_context); return $data; } ?>